Wednesday 26 May 2010

kick in the arse

I met up with Ash and Andrew from STA last night to have a chat about the doc. it has reinvigorated my enthusiasm for the project - i now have a real goal to aim for with their help and encouragement. I can see an end in sight even though the discussions have resulted in even more planned shoots. Today i revisited what i had done to this point and mostly swapped a few bits and pieces around. the run time is now at about 55 minutes but even at this stage there is flab to cut out - maybe i'll save that for a directors cut. i've also been thinking that it might be an idea to resume the video diaries - i found them useful in the past for reflecting on what i'd done and where to go next, as well as keeping everyone up to date on the production progress. if time allows, they will return! but now alas, its off to bed for me!